
Dark XM Threat and Response

Start date: March 17, 2018
End date: April 7, 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Philippines
XM Anomaly

How Enlightened is your region? Show everyone what your region is made of! Light up those portals and make ’em all green every Sunday at 0200 from March 17 to April 8.

April 7-8


All Enlightened Philippines agents can join. From 4/7/2018 22:00H up to 4/8/2018 02:30H. 

Top three agents with the highest Eastergress points and Top three agents with the highest ENLPH points based on the special formula below will win an ENLPH mystery box. (Note: #Eastergress5 winners will be announced separately after April 8)

ENLPH Points
Included Stats Factor
Portals owned    2.50
Resonators deployed    0.01
Portals neutralized    0.75
Resonators destroyed    0.15
Mods deployed    0.25
Links created    0.01


How to Join

To join this contest, follow these instructions:
1. To participate in Eastergress, look for clues to see rules and further details.
2. To also participate for Event 2, take a screenshot for your “All Time” stats on 4/7/2018 2200H onwards.
3. Submit screenshot and other details required here (Form A)
4. Before 04/08/2018, 0230H, take a screenshot of your “All Time” stats and “Now” stats.
5. Submit the two screenshots and other details required here (Form B)

Continue sharing your stories! A special group prize will also be awarded to the group with the best sitrep. Use the hashtags #DarkXMCure #Ingress #KeepItGreen #enlph. Share a link to the #DarkXMCure chat to be included in the evaluation.

March 31-April 1


Congratulations to the  highest ENLPH points for the March 24-April 1 Week! See you all next week. Watch out for our new stats and rules. You will be contacted by an enlph representative and be awarded a mystery box. #Eastergress5 is still on-going. Winners for the event will be released after April 8.

Agent ENLPH Points
3rdInvader 816.95
Ngern 776.05
s6t6n6s 554.96


All Enlightened Philippines agents can join. From 3/31/2018 22:00H up to 4/1/2018 02:30H. 

Top three agents with the highest Eastergress points and Top three agents with the highest ENLPH points based on the special formula below will win an ENLPH mystery box.

ENLPH Points
Included Stats Factor
Portals owned    3.00
Resonators deployed    0.01
Portals neutralized    0.50
Resonators destroyed    0.15
Mods deployed    0.20
Links created    0.05


How to Join

To join this contest, follow these instructions:
1. To participate in Eastergress, look for clues to see rules and further details.
2. To also participate for Event 2, take a screenshot for your “All Time” stats on 3/31/2018 2200H onwards.
3. Submit screenshot and other details required here (Form A)
4. Before 04/01/2018, 0230H, take a screenshot of your “All Time” stats and “Now” stats.
5. Submit the two screenshots and other details required here (Form B)

Continue sharing your stories! A special group prize will also be awarded to the group with the best sitrep. Use the hashtags #DarkXMCure #Ingress #KeepItGreen #enlph. Share a link to the #DarkXMCure chat to be included in the evaluation.

March 24-25


Congratulations to the highest #baboylink points and highest ENLPH points for the March 24-25Week! See you all next week. Watch out for our new stats and rules. You will be contacted by an enlph representative and be awarded a mystery box. 


Agent #baboylink points
piiijiii 118.70
GugsGunny 112.90
Kokojinx19017 70.40


Agent ENLPH Points
Kokojinx19017 517.94
Ngern 222.56
pongburikat 164.00


All Enlightened Philippines agents except @s6t6n6s can join. From 3/22/2018 15:00H up to 3/25/2018 02:30H, we urge everyone to be the very best #baboylinker that no one ever was.

Top three agents with the highest #baboylink points and Top three agents with the highest ENLPH points based on the special formula below will win an ENLPH mystery box.

#baboylink Points
Included Stats Factor
Links created    0.10
Links active    1.00


ENLPH Points
Included Stats Factor
Portals owned    2.00
Resonators deployed    0.13
Portals neutralized    0.60
Resonators destroyed    0.30
Mods deployed    0.25
Links created    0.25


How to Join

To join this contest, follow these instructions:
1. On 3/22/2018, 15:00H onwards, take a screenshot of your “All Time” stats. You can use the “Share” button on the upper right of the Agent screen to get the full screenshot.
2. Submit screenshot and other details required here (Form 1)
3. To also participate for Event 2, also take a screenshot for your “All Time” stats on 3/24/2018 2230H onwards.
4. Submit screenshot and other details required here (Form 2)
5. Before 3/25/2018, 02:30H, take a screenshot of your “All Time” stats and “Now” stats.
6. Submit the two screenshots and other details required here (Form 3)

Continue sharing your stories! A special group prize will also be awarded to the group with the best sitrep. Use the hashtags #DarkXMCure #Ingress #KeepItGreen #enlph. Share a link to the #DarkXMCure chat to be included in the evaluation.

March 17-18


Congratulations to the Top 10 highest ENLPH points for the March 17-18 Week! See you all next week. Watch out for our new stats and rules. The Top 3 will be contacted by an enlph representative and be awarded a mystery box. 

Rank Agent name  ENLPH Points 
1 @s6t6n6s 404.7
2 @pongburikat 128.3
3 @CreamyLatte 120.1
4 @Ngern 116.8
5 @MEGATURON 115.9
6 @Kokojinx19017 113.5
7 @AlingNena 88.9
8 @JonahMartell 87.8
9 @LordoftheG 82.1
10 @3rdInvader 64.9


Top three agents with the highest ENLPH points based on the special formula below will win an ENLPH mystery box. All stats are the net movement from March 17, 23:00 up to March 18, 02:30.

Included Stats Factor
Portals owned    1.50
Resonators deployed    0.13
Portals neutralized    0.50
Resonators destroyed    0.25
Mods deployed    0.25
Links created    0.25



Sample Calculation:

Included Stats Factor Upload 1 Upload 2 Delta Delta x Factor
Portals owned    1.50 100 120 20      30.00
Resonators deployed    0.13 800 900 100    12.50
Portals neutralized    0.50 50 60 10   5.00
Resonators destroyed    0.25 70 200 130  32.50
Mods deployed    0.25 34 44 10        2.50
Links created    0.25 80 90 10      2.50
Total ENLPH Points    85.00

To join the contest, follow these instructions:
1. Download and install “Agent Stats” on Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.agentstats) or iOS (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/agent-stats/id944221057)
2. Follow the on-screen instructions on the Agent Stats app in order to upload your stats.
3. Join the ENLPH DARK XM group on Agent Stats. (https://www.agent-stats.com/groups.php?group=5aac8b93695d78.25712917)

Upon joining the ENLPH DARK XM group on Agent Stats. agents must:
1. Upload their Agent Profile showing All Time Stats on Saturday, March 17 at 23:00 for their base score.
2. Upload their updated Agent Profile showing All Time Stats on Sunday, March 18 before 02:30 to measure the agent’s total score.

Other Missions

A special group prize will also be awarded to the group with the best sitrep. Use the hashtags #DarkXMCure #Ingress #KeepItGreen #enlph. Share a link to the #DarkXMCure chat to be included in the evaluation.

Join our #DarkXMCure chat to know what you can do to #KeepItGreen. (Make sure your telegram link is connected to your enl.rocks account)

Posted in .