The beautiful City of Baguio, situated in the mountains of northern Luzon, recently hosted an adrenaline-pumping Ingress XM Anomaly event. On April 22, 2023, local and visiting players from the Enlightened and Resistance factions gathered in the city to engage in this strategic battle. When the day ended, the Enlightened emerged as the triumphant victors. Consequently, they extended their winning streak in the Philippines to six.
Baguio City: The Perfect Satellite Site
As a satellite site for Phase 1 of the Echo Anomaly Series, Baguio City welcomed Ingress players of all levels. The competition lasted for about three to four hours, involving intense walking and biking gameplay. Throughout the event, participants collaborated with their respective teams to accomplish common goals.
The Beacon and Shard Battles: The Heart of the Anomaly
The Ingress XM Anomaly was divided into two primary components: the Beacon Battle and the Shard Battle. During the Beacon Battle, the Enlightened demonstrated exceptional strategic skills. They achieved the highest score of 216 in Wave 6. In contrast, the Resistance’s highest score was 79, achieved in Wave 2.
The Shard Battle proved to be equally thrilling. A total of 20 shards were at stake, with the Enlightened securing 18 of them. Meanwhile, the Resistance only managed to obtain 2 shards. No shards were lost in the process.
A Resounding Victory for the Enlightened
In the end, the Enlightened’s dominance was apparent. They amassed 153 victory points, while the Resistance accumulated 37. This sixth consecutive win in the Philippines showcases the Enlightened’s unyielding determination and tactical expertise.
Celebrations and Mission Day Events
To celebrate their outstanding victory, the Enlightened players enjoyed a well-earned after-party at Shakey’s Kisad, a popular local spot in Baguio City. Here, players from both factions had the chance to relax, socialize, and reflect on the day’s events.
The excitement continued on April 23, 2023, with a Mission Day event. Players visited various iconic sites throughout Baguio City, enabling them to immerse themselves in the area’s rich culture and breathtaking scenery. As a result, the “Summer Capital of the Philippines” served as the perfect backdrop for these Ingress enthusiasts.
The Enlightened Philippines’ ongoing success has been inspiring to players everywhere. As the Echo Anomaly Series progresses, observers eagerly await the outcome of future battles. They wonder how long the winning streak will last and what challenges lie ahead for these dedicated digital warriors.