The Philippines woke up on a green Sunday morning with ENL PH setting up new milestones for agents and contributing yet again to massive global scale scoring. ENL PH contributed to the global score of 7.4 BILLION with 4 billion MUs reaching checkpoint. New national records were broken: Longest link ever created record holders from […]
Tag Archives: baf
Operation: Subida
1.4 Billion Mind Units (New PHL Record) Enlightened Philippines • 15 Aug 2015 Go big or go home! Our heartfelt thoughts go to fallen agent CyanogenMOD who passed away in his sleep the night after the operation. Moar stats: 1,851,827,068 Mind Units captured (grand total) 362,110 Km² covered 15 new onyx illuminators Credits: a9123326 aces Achillesej […]
Operation: REPRESENT!!!
PHILIPPINES REPRESENT! On 5 April 2014, Philippine agents woke up to a green dawn as the enlightened once again went against all odds to capture 881 Million mind units all anchored in major tourist kick-off sites in the country. Aiming for a nobler cause than just MU-control, Enlightened Philippines would like to take this opportunity […]
Enlightened Philippines: The Northern Expedition
The 1,300 Km scouting expedition that turned into a counter-ops that netted us 6 million MUs vs 4 million MUs from the enemy. This is the expedition that paved way to Ops Boomerang that got 33 million MUs for the Enlightened. Even featured by Google and Niantic community manager: Brandon Badger